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Tesco chosen charity

£1000 awarded from customer nominations!

Tenth Anniversary!

Standing room only at the Centre's Tenth Anniversary celebrations!

Fundraising Roundup 2023

What a great year we have had in terms of financial support from many places!


A selection of wonderful prizes donated by our amazing clients for our annual Christmas Raffle. To be drawn on 13th December.

Fundraising Roundup

What a great year we have had in terms of financial support from many places!

Including the latest news about Catherine's Rowathon fundraiser!

Triathlon success!

John has completed a triathlon with rowing, climbing and cycling events supported by the centre's power assisted exercise equipment

Triple your donations to our Long-covid service on 18th and 19th June 2021

Our new service to assess the benefits of power-assisted exercise for those affected by Long-covid has been chosen by Greenham Trust to be one of the charities to receive double match funding in the two days 18th and 19th June. Donations towards this important project will be accepted and double matched on 18th and 19th June on The Good Exchange fund raising platform

Winter 2020/21

We are delighted to report grants from One Family Foundation, Keep Berkshire Active, Berkshire Nurses and Relief in Sickness Trust and the West Berkshire Community Fund, to help with equipment upgrades, IT and general resilience. Our very warmest thanks go to all these organisations for their support.

Autumn 2020

We have completely revised our layout to ensure that we can maintain 2 metre social distancing throughout, which is vital to protect the health needs of our clients, many of whom are either elderly or health-vulnerable. Much thought has gone into every aspect about how the Centre must operate in light of Covid-19. Our clients all seem to appreciate how we have tackled this to ensure their safety.

New Patron - Richard Benyon

West Berkshire Therapy Centre is delighted to announce that Richard Benyon has agreed to become a Patron alongside existing Patrons Lady Anne Hallifax, Jacqueline Scoins-Cass MBE and Professor Christine Collins FRCP. Mr Benyon is a former MP for Newbury, a Trustee of the Englefield Charitable Trust, holds several directorships and is an ardent supporter of numerous charitable ventures.

Newbury Bridge Club

Newbury Bridge Club have come up Trumps with their annual Charity efforts for 2019.

Santa Fun Run 2019

Hazel. Mike and Norman turned out on a cool 1st December Sunday morning to urge on over 160 Santa Fun runners, who ran around Newbury's streets to raise funds for Newbury Rotary Club's chosen charities, of which we are delighted to be one.

Two grants awarded in a month

In the space of a week, West Berkshire Therapy Centre is delighted to have been awarded a grant of £3,000 from Greenham Common Trust and separately £5,000 from Berkshire Community Foundation.

David Wilson Homes Charity of the Month

On 21st August we were delighted that Fiona Smith and Adele Kelly visited the Centre and presented us with a cheque from David Wilson Homes, being their August Charity of the Month.

Newbury Bridge Club - Annual charity night

On 16th August Newbury Bridge Club held its annual charity night, which raised close to £4,000 for our Centre!

Boules in the Market Place

For the fourth year in a row, volunteers from the Centre manned a stall in Newbury Market Place when the annual Rotary Boules event took place on 9th June. [more]

Our Fifth Anniversary!

Over 100 staff, volunteers, clients and invited guests joined us on 1st April to celebrate five years of providing our service. In that time we have helped over 1,000 clients, have provided over 50,000 individual exercise sessions and in our best ever week recently we provided 294 individual sessions that week.

2018 Year-end roundup news

A fantastic collection of news of donations and fundraising through:


Waitrose Featured Charity of the month - October 2018

We will be one of the featured charities of Waitrose Thatcham throughout October. We want to encourage as many people as possible who shop at Waitrose to put their green tokens in our box. We will get a share of £1,000 (split between three charities) at the end of the month!

Aldermaston & Wasing Show

A team of eleven volunteers manned our annual stall at the Aldermaston & Wasing Show on a sunny 1st September, raising just over £150, raising awareness and making many useful contacts with those in need of our service. Well done and thank you to everyone involved!

Rotary Club Boules Event, Newbury

On 10th June members of the fund-raising team manned our stall at the annual Boules event in Newbury Market Place, organised by Newbury Rotary Club.

Aldermaston & Wasing Show

On 2nd September eight WBTC volunteers helped to set up and man our stall at the 75th Aldermaston and Wasing Show. We were one of two charities of the year being supported by the Show organisers and we look forward to receiving a share of the proceeds of their renowned 'Duck Race' once the outcome of the event is known.

Quiz Night

Another Quiz Night on 25th August raised a wonderful £620. Thanks to Catherine, Margaret and David for organising the event, also to the Conservative Club that provided the venue at no charge, to the caterers, to everyone who donated raffle prizes and to the 75 plus who attended on the night, making a very successful evening all round. The questions were tough, meaning that many teams spent much of the evening looking thoughtful, doubtful or unsure and everyone deserved a prize for trying. There were a lot of 'prize winners' as three teams had to share the wooden spoon!

Masonic Charity help

We are delighted that volunteers from the Berkshire Masonic Charity have not only decorated our staff room but have also now assembled some storage units so that the staff room is finally a more comfortable and less cluttered place for staff and volunteers to take their breaks. Many thanks to the hard-working Berkshire Masonic Volunteer Team, cheerfully led by Mike.

St James's Place Foundation Gant

We are most grateful to the St James's Place Foundation for a grant of £500 towards further equipment that we need to purchase in response to ideas from those using our service. We are seeking further capital funds, sufficient to buy an Ultrasonic Relaxer Chair, also to upgrade some of our range of existing chairs with interactive technology.

Masonic Charitable Foundation Votes Needed!

We need your vote! Help us win up to £25,000 by voting in the MCF Community Awards

June 2017 - Queen's Award!!

On 2nd June 2017 the London Gazette announced that West Berkshire Therapy Centre has been awarded the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service, just three years after first starting its service. The award is equivalent to an MBE for a voluntary organisation!

March 2017

West Berkshire Therapy Centre is delighted to have been adopted by the Aldermaston and Wasing Show as one of this year's two chosen charities
[ read more... ]

We are delighted to have received further grant aid from two sources this month: Firstly £2,000 from Englefield Trust, followed by £4,000 from Berkshire Community Foundation, all to help us with general running costs and developing our service. We are immensely grateful for the opportunities these grants provide, to help us further to improve the way we make a difference for our clients.

February 2017

We are most grateful to the Berkshire Masonic Charity for providing a team of volunteers to fit new blinds and to decorate our staff room with paint supplied by Berkshire Community Foundation. We are most grateful for these acts of practical help, improving the operating and working environment for our clients and staff, following their earlier support in helping to fund our automatic door opener.

2nd July

Once again we were on the streets of Newbury, this time with the help of Newbury Branch of David Clulow Opticians, courtesy of the Branch Director, Scott Waters, who sponsored our gazebo ... [ read more ]

26th June

A big thank you to Rotary Club of Newbury for allowing us pride of place next to the French Boules event they held in Newbury Market Place on Sunday 26th June ... [ read more ]

West Berkshire Therapy Centre New Home!

West Berkshire Therapy Centre has moved to its new home! ... [ read more ]

West Berkshire Therapy Centre march on!

West Berkshire Therapy Centre has announced that it has been awarded registered charity status at the same time that is to relocate to much larger premises at Frank Hutchins Hall in Thatcham on 1st April 2016, just two years after first opening.

Race Night - Thursday 29th October

Our Race Night raised a wonderful £878 for the Centre! Many thanks to everyone who helped organise the event, attended on the night or provided raffle prizes and support

Reducing the risk of pressure sores for wheelchair users

Staff at the Therapy Centre invited the NHS Wheelchair and Seating Service to hold a 'surgery' at the Centre ... [ read more ]

Relocation of West Berkshire Therapy Centre

We are moving in October from Clerewater Place to our new address!

Charity Event success!

We are delighted to have received a cheque for £4,500 from Donnington Valley Golf Club, money raised on their charity day on 18th July. It is super to have so much support from the local golfing community. Thank you to everyone who took part and helped make the event such a success and thanks to those of our service users who proposed us to be a beneficiary of this wonderful event.